PhD Thesis
“Modelling of light scattering by cirrus ice crystals using geometric optics combined with diffraction on facets" A.J.M Clarke, PhD thesis. Download a pdf here (31.5MB)
Journal Publications
“A 3D implementation of ray tracing combined with diffraction on facets: Verification and a potential application” A.J.M. Clarke, E. Hesse, Z. Ulanowski and P.H. Kaye. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 100(1-3) p.103-114, 2006. Preprint Available Here (5.4 MB). Published by
“A computer generated Babylonian system A lunar ephemeris” A.J.M. Clarke and J.M. Steele. Journal for the History of Astronomy (2002), Vol. 33, Part 3, No. 112, p. 279.
Conference Publications
“A 3D implementation of ray tracing combined with diffraction on facets compared to SVM and experiment” A.J.M. Clarke, E. Hesse, Z. Ulanowski and P.H. Kaye. In: F. Moreno, J.J. Lopez-Moreno, O. Munoz and A. Molina (editors), 8th Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles: Theory, Measurements and Applications, 16th-20th May 2005, Salobrena, Spain, p.60-63. Proceedings Available Here (318 KB)
“Introducing phase tracing into a computational method which combines ray-tracing with diffraction on facets” E. Hesse, Z. Ulanowski, A.J.M. Clarke, S. Havemann and P.H. Kaye. In: F. Moreno, J.J. Lopez-Moreno, O. Munoz and A. Molina (editors), 8th Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles: Theory, Measurements and Applications, 16th-20th May 2005, Salobrena, Spain, p.112-115. Proceedings Available Here (446 KB)
“A new model of light scattering by ice crystals using ray tracing combined with diffraction on facets” A.J.M. Clarke, E. Hesse, Z. Ulanowski and P.H. Kaye. In: Proceedings of the 16th Aerosol Society AGM, 14th-15th April 2005, Bristol, p.71-74.
“Using ice crystal analogues to validate cloud ice parameter retrievals from the CPI ice spectrometer data” Z. Ulanowski, P. Connolly, M. Flynn, M. Gallagher, A.J.M. Clarke and E. Hesse. In: G.A. Isaac (editor), 14th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Bologna, 18th-23rd July 2004, IAMAS, p. 1175-1178. Poster Available Here (6.4 MB)
Other Publications
“A new model of light scattering by ice crystals applied to aircraft radiance measurements using geometries that include examples reconstructed from ice analogue crystals” A.J.M. Clarke, OBR Technical Note Number 54, Met Office, Exeter.
“Diffraction on facets: A new model of light scattering” A.J.M. Clarke, The Aerosol Society Newsletter, Issue Number 43.